Madre Canopi
a saint in our time
Madre Anna Maria Canopi died on the eve of St.Benedict's, 2019 at the age of 87.
In 1973 she came to the deserted island with a few nuns - there were only six of them - and took residence in the Bishop's palace. All the buildings needed much work done to be rendered habitable. Year after year she oversaw the restoration of the old buildings, while attracting those in need of spiritual comfort with her warmth and loving welcome, her spiritual texts and poems. All those who knew her, of whatever faith or none, loved her, and have mourned her passing.

Suora Maria Raphaela (Maria Raf), known before taking her votes, as Walterina,was the Messenger Nun, the one who managed contacts between the monastery and the outside world. She raced her boat 'Stella Maris' at high speed over the lake, a V formation of moorhens flying overhead, loved animals, and was a help to everyone. Alas, only six months after the death of the abbess, she, too, died, at the age of 64.