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Isola San Giulio

St Giulio's Isle

the only island on Lake Orta, Piedmont, north Italy


Only for this week can you buy the Pani di San Giulio, sweet cakes made by the nuns



Lake Orta, a glacial lake in the Alpine foothills of north Italy is a thousand feet above sea-level, encircled by mountains and high hills rich in chestnuts, birch and, thanks to its micro-climate, tall palms. Opposite the island is the charming town Orta San Giulio



On the island  is the great Benedectine monastery of enclosed nuns founded in 1973, where the ancient castle was until the 19th century, the delightful concert hall Sala Eleonora Tallone, and the seat of Poetry on the Lake.



In two thousand years the isle has hosted emperors, queens and saints, has experienced tumult, seige and plague. Long before Christianity arrived, pagans worshipped here



This antique island has a strange history. There are legends of dragons, a dragon's cave exists, stories of saints - one above all: St Giulio. It has inspired literary figures and artists, it is loved by poets, mystics and magicians.

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Tesori dell' Isola - island shop

Feast Day of St Giulio

31st January

Island with dragons

Giacomo Saporito   

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High Mass in the Basilica every Sunday at 11.00 

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